Very excited to read Dog Medicine, End of the Hour, and the Night Parade. Have you read Lost & Found by Kathryn Schultz? This might be the best book I’ve ever read, a meditation on love and loss, and the chimeric nature of each to the other. Truly exceptional. I also loved The Grief Manuscript by Frankie Rollins. It’s a magical realism memoir in flash narrative form - I’ve never seen anything like it and it took my breath away.

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Oh both those sound great and right up my alley! Thanks for the recommendations!

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Jun 22Liked by Amber Groomes,Ph.D.

Thank yo for this list, Amber! I am currently reading Dog Medicine and it is soooooo good.

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So many dog lovers around here 🥰

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Jun 22Liked by Amber Groomes,Ph.D.

Memoir is my favourite genre too. I'll be adding some of these recommendations to my reading list. Thanks Amber 😊🙏

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Jun 21Liked by Amber Groomes,Ph.D.

Yes, please share list number 2. Thanks

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Adding many of these to my list right now, as I've only read two of them. I am curious to know which one you didn't like/include! 😉

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Ok....I was disappointed by "The Year of Magical Thinking" by Joan Didion 😖 It is such a popular recommendation on grief, so I expected to love it and am embarrassed to say I did not! The author's writing style just did not work for me. I found it very difficult to connect with emotionally. Honestly, I felt kind of dumb while reading....I had to work hard to follow it! Given Didion's reputation and accomplishments, I am sure she will be fine without my recommendation 🤣

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Haha, it's fine, I won't tell anyone! Honestly I read that so long ago, I don't remember a ton of it!

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Jun 21Liked by Amber Groomes,Ph.D.

Hi Amber some very interesting sounding books. I have earmarked 3 to read. The man who moved clouds. Loved and wanted. And Alex and me. Thank you very much for the suggestjons

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I hope you enjoy! After I read Alex and me, I had to go on a deep dive to learn all about parrots. Fascinating!

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Amber, this is a wonderful roundup. I've read some of these but am saving to work my way through once my own book is out in the world and I can step off the carousel. And, yes Part Two please!

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I am so, so excited to read yours!

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Thank you for this great list. Several of these memoirs have been on my TBR list for too long. And now I've added a few more. Alex and Me may have to go to the top of the pile.

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I love reading memoir recommendations, especially through the eyes of a psychologist. It's my favorite genre, too, so of course I can't help but recommend a few to you. If you're looking for more LGBTQ authors, I'd recommend Punch Me Up to the Gods by Brian Broome.

I also admired Heartberries by Therese Maillot, and (you may have read this one) Maybe You Should Talk to Someone by Lori Gottlieb, which I consider to be a memoir, though it's as much about her clients as it is about her.

Happy reading!

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