I have always loved Autumn - I was born in November, held Halloween parties and had an October wedding befyre they were trendy. Give me all the apple cider and pumpkin flavored everything!

But the past few years, winters have been rough on me. No amount of SAD lights and cozy comforts seem to get me out of my funk, which my therapist reminds me every year will pass. February is not my month! I recently heard the term "Autumn Anxiety" for the first time and it makes sense that others like me would dread the season that comes before the bleakness of winter. For now I just make sure I book a trip to a tropical locale every year!

Also, I love your reminder that "I get to choose" and the liberation we can find in that! I'm not into the corn mazes either!

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I had not heard the term Autumn Anxiety but that is very validating! February is also my least favorite month!

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I love learning how other people relate to the seasons. This was especially interesting to me because I'm a big summer hater, but the way you describe it I can sort of see the appeal haha! Spring has always been my favorite. I love the cool weather, flowers and rain showers. I love all the baby animals being born in the springtime and the cherry blossom trees springing to life. Just thinking about it makes me happy. I also tend to take vacations in May (love a shoulder season) so maybe that's also part of it. I haven't always been much of an autumn person, but it's my husband's favorite. He has taught me to appreciate the fun of a haunted house, a September visit to Spirit Halloween and even a scary movie here and there (but Hocus Pocus is always the fave). I need to take a lesson from you to turn around my disdain for summer! Thankfully, I have another good 9 months to figure it out!

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Isn't it interesting that just thinking about Spring makes you happy?! It's so powerful! And works in the opposite direction too! I have definitely met many people who dread summer and even feel like they have seasonal depression in the summer, so you are not alone!

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I can so relate to struggling with the shorter days and it affecting my mood. Luckily, here in New Zealand we're actually coming out the other end. The days are now getting longer and warmer, slowly. What worked for me this winter was to go outside as much as I could. Just soak up every second of sunshine there is, even if it in between two downpours. It's the first winter I haven't been affected by it as much as before.

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This piece resonated with me. I have similar associations with fall primarily with the return to school amd responsibilities. However, now in my 50s with a 19 year old daughter, I have learned to see this time pf year through her eyes. She was not a fan of the return to school, or the early darkness in NJ once the time changed. BUT .. she did find such joy in taking rides with me to see the leaves change near the DE Water Gap, doing crafts, making candles, baking, welcoming her friends over for spooky movie sleepovers and halloween parties... I also began to cherish the family time and the crisp fall air, slower pace and cozy times. Now, as a young adult my daughter and I still do those things but we see horror movies, walk around and buy decor for the house and outside, we love giving candy out to the children and going pumpkin and apple picking. It truly is about reframing the old patterns and seeing time through new and fun lenses. I still hate the time change, I still get SAD from lack of sun but I feed my soul with the things I've learned to appreciate during the temporary change of seasons in NJ. Great piece!

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Thank you for sharing all the things you love to share with your daughter in this season! I hope to do more baking and crafting this year, and this is a good reminder :)

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The first photo is so beautiful.

And I like autumn, because of its colors, but also because I love winter way more than summer. No stupid insects!

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I used to feel a sense of impending dread at the first signs of Autumn too. I think it was largely because of the back-to-school feeling, and I hated school. As I've moved more into the Autumn years of life though, I've fallen in love with the season of Autumn, and would even go so far as to call it my favourite season. Here in Auckland, we get the most beautiful crisp blue days, the most spectacular sunsets, and the colours on the trees are so rich. Autumn seems to give permission to take your foot off the gas, there's not the social pressure of summertime, and these days I feel like it aligns more closely with my energy.

Having said that, here we are turning the corner into Spring and that feels special too. The promise of newness and possibility in the air, the return of the light, the first buds tentatively awakening. There is unique beauty in every season 🌸

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Beautiful reflection 💛

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Thanks for this! I’ve been musing on the shorter days, and how that feels.

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I dislike winter also— it does help to reframe and get a sense of agency around it.

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Your posts are so relatable and spot on! I sent you a message on Instagram but don’t think it’s the best way to reach you. 🤷🏻‍♀️. Let’s make contact!

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