I love Dr Neff’s work and was very honoured to be able to take a Mindful Self Compassion class with her and Christopher Germer. It’s influenced the way I work ever since. You do a great job of explaining the power of self compassion here.

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(Quick nerd out moment 🤓) I can’t believe you learned about self compassion from Dr. Neff. I had to reread that make sure I got it correctly.

Love this thorough exploration. (And you do quite brilliantly the weaving in of the personal and professional the way she does).

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Aw thank you that is a wonderful compliment to receive! And thank you for nerding out with me! When I was pulling up resources for this, I saw she has a newer book out called Fierce Self-Compassion and the premise looks awesome. I can’t wait to grab a copy Fierce Self-Compassion: How Women Can Harness Kindness to Speak Up, Claim Their Power, and Thrivehttps://a.co/d/bMy98rV

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It's been lovely to read your work. Especially after these past few newsletters, I was wondering if you would consider applying as a speaker for a virtual conference I'm planning in October. If you have any questions please reach out! The application is below. The 2024 Mental Health and Motherhood Virtual Conference is asking the question: How can we show ourselves self compassion?


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Beautiful article. I appreciated how you avoided a "listicle" and acknowledged how developing self-compassion truly takes time.

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